Saturday, April 30, 2011


The first thing i notice when i see a crowd of dazzling people is....
what they're wearin'.
when it comes to the opera you can basically dress however fancy you like. 
some people are in gowns, some in skirts and blouses and some people, like alison & i, dressed the same. was this planned? absolutely not. we think it's hilarious. we never told each other what we were going to wear tonight but it just so happened that we showed up as twins. although she has lovely red locks and i have brown hair with terrible blonde streaks that need a real good touch up. 

but back to what matters...
we got our backstage tour and my oh my. a chandelier hanging from above while a lovely table set is to the side and across is a couch. i guess in the era you wouldn't call it a couch but seeing as i'm a modern 19-year old, thats the first word that comes to my mind.. no? i'm not sure of the proper name for it. so i won't make a fuss. but you get me.. right? ;)
i learned that this set is kept in New York. yes... you heard me: NY. they ship it all the way here... crazy hey? & it took them about 10 hours with 14 men to set it up. not half bad.
then we went back BACK stage and saw more of the set and alison met the love of her life: the spiral staircase. she's always wanted to see a spiral staircase backstage in a theatre... face-to-face to be specific. she loved it. 
and soon before ye know it we're back at out tables bloggin' away.
ahem... i mean...
"La Traviata will begin in ten minutes. Please take your seats."
well enjoy these photos for now.. and i'll see ya at the intermission!



nik said...

i like your friend's sheer skirt! i've been wanting one like that. ie. chloe spring 2011. and did you make your scarf into a skirt? that's a rad idea! you're always so creative tash.

Clara said...

You guys look amazing